Coping with Stress & Trauma

The Woolsey & Hill Fires will likely be remembered as two of the most devastating moments affecting the Thousand Oaks community and its surrounding areas.  The loss resulting from these fires is unfortunatley only made more somber in relation to the horrific shooting that occurred at the Borderline Bar & Grill less than 24 hours earlier. Coping with compounded traumas of this magnitude is trying for even the most stalwart adult yet, as adults, many of us need to bracket our own emotional needs in order to focus on the emotional needs of our children. To that end, I have listed several links below that I think you may find helpful in your efforts to support your children and to help them try to make sense of what has recently happened around them. Be safe, Dr. S Helping Children Cope with Mass Shootings Managing Indirect Exposure to Traumatic Events Talking with Your Child About Difficult News Recovering from a Disaster